Opening Times:-

Monday - Friday
9:30 am – 4:30 pm

About us

Our Story

Who We Are.

Cancer Aid Merthyr Tydfil was established as a registered charity in 2003. From humble beginnings in 2005 an appeal was launched to build Merthyr Tydfil’s very own purpose built cancer centre of excellence.  Overwhelming support was received from the Merthyr Tydfil community, and grant from the Welsh Assembly Government meant that the centre went from a vision, to a reality opening its doors for the first time on 17th September 2007.

The aim of our organisation is to provide practical and emotional support for cancer patients, and their families, during and after diagnosis. Our range of services focus on providing support, free at the point of use for all residents of Merthyr Tydfil whose lives have been touched by cancer.

Our approach is to look at practical and emotional aspects of a patients cancer journey. By providing door to door hospital transport, counselling, complementary therapy, acupuncture, support groups and information and advice.  We do not, under any circumstances offer medical advice or alternative therapies. Our aim is to ensure every patient has appropriate access to a personal, confidential and safe form of transport to all cancer related hospital appointments throughout the country.

Our purpose built Cancer Centre of Excellence is located in Dowlais, the appearance of the building is in keeping with the local area, and tastefully decorated. During the planning process, our patients told us they didn’t want another medical setting so the centre is designed with that in mind.

Our drop in centre for information and advice is open from 9.30 a.m to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. During that time, patients can drop in, access information, have a cup of tea, and register to access all the services on offer. Our centre Manager, or other members of the team are available to chat with any new or existing patients who access our centre. All discussions are completely confidential.

Cancer Aid Merthyr Tydfil (CAMT) is committed to safeguarding and has a safeguarding policy in place to protect everyone who comes into contact with our organisation. This particularly includes the people we work with from any form of abuse, exploitation and harm, and our staff and volunteers. It is our expectation that all staff, volunteers and trustees will understand their role and responsibilities to safeguard and promote the welfare of adults at risk of abuse and neglect. The Chair is the CAMT Safeguarding Lead with whom clients, staff, volunteers and trustees are encouraged to share any concerns they may have about the welfare, safety and safeguarding of others, be they staff, volunteers, service users, or family to those individuals. Contact 01685 379633 /

Our New Purpose Built Centre of Excellence is based in Upper Union Street, Dowlais.
Charity no: 1101769
Company ltd by guarantee: 4899059

recieving the queens award

Complementary therapies

Complementary therapies are provided to anyone whose lives have been affected by Cancer. Clients who have been diagnosed with Cancer and undergoing treatment are also able to receive therapy. Our complementary therapy does not replace modern medicine but is offered to encourage and promote emotional well-being. All therapies aim to promote relaxation, can help with pain and ease tensions. We have a wide range of services available – all carried out by highly qualified and experienced therapists. Complementary therapies may help with:
• Feelings of anxiety
• Pain relief
• Increasing emotional well being
• Boosting immune system
• Release stress and tension
• Comfort from human touch & time
• Help reduce side effects from cancer treatments



Support Groups

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils Aromatherapy is the use of natural essential oils extracted from flowers, plants or trees. The oils are thought to have therapeutic properties. There is a vast variety of oils available and your aromatherapist will work with you to ensure the right oils are used during your sessions. Different oils are believed to have different effects. For example, an aromatherapist may use cedarwood for a pleasant and relaxing effect, or lavender to help with sleep problems.

Reflexology is a specialised form of foot or hand massage that is related to the Chinese practice of acupressure. The theory underlying this therapy is that different areas on the sole of the foot or palm of the hand represent, and are connected to, the body’s internal organs. Reflexology stimilates different areas of the body through massage to the feet to improve the flow of energy along channels in the body.

Our Carer/patient coffee morning group, runs the first Friday of every month 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. at the centre. the coffee morning is open to anyone and there’s no need to pre-book.


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